Nick's Blog
Sunday, April 24, 2005
The matrix is done, but no definate results are out yet - however I do know that I didn't win on bowside and rumour has it that I was 3rd behind Beechey. If that is the case I would be pretty disappointed, though I knew I didn't have a great one with Hosking in my seat race with Beechey. We still have to see what will happen though. But I wouldn't put it past some side swapping perhaps - or maybe that is just wishful thinking. I wouldn't be looking forward to rowing with the strokesiders in a second four or in a 2nd ranked pair though. But what do you know.

Saturday, April 23, 2005

And the other one. I'll work out this hello lark soon. Posted by Hello

A couple of pictures of varese. It wasn't very photogenic while were there this time, you could hardly see the mountains at all, but these are a little bit atmospheric. Posted by Hello
One day of the pair's matrix down. 2 reasonable rows and the ergo was quite straightforward. I don't know any results yet, and it is difficult to tell how fast each boat is without some reference but both felt fine and looking at my heartrate I managed to get plenty of work on so I guess you just have to be confident that just doing the right stuff and getting the work on will get a decent result. We shall see. I'm trying to be fairly laid back about the whole thing - though making sure I get up for the races - there isn't any point in stressing about it too much outside that as all you can do is try to row fast.

Friday, April 22, 2005
Well the night before the pair's matrix. Not too hungry yet so hopefully I haven't eaten too much dinner. It will be an early start in the morning. A rise at 6 I think to be awake and have time for an early ergo if required and maybe a hot shower. Had a pleasant enough day with a tip into windsor with jonesy. I wonder what will happen tomorrow - and even how it is going to work. Only 2 1500m pieces though so not too painful hopefully.


Just got hello so I can now post pictures to my blog. This is the four last summer before Athens. Posted by Hello
Friday, April 15, 2005
Nick's Blog
I suppose I should say that the excitement is that as well as not knowing that it will be good, we also don't know it will be bad, so anything could happen, even that it just comes together and goes fast! Here is to that.
Nick's Blog
Lots under the bridge since the last posts. A new season, a whole winter of trials. Final Trials in singles, a whole new experience of racing the single. Some good things, I impressed a bit with my semi final row. Just a bit gutted that I last some last 500m skill in both the semi and the final. So 9th overall with Tim missing.
It is a little bit scary now. While we have just found out a bit about the trials process that is about to happen, actually what will happen rather than how is still very muc up in the air. 6 pairs should give enough so that there isn't too much randomness, I some ways bowside looks harder, though perhaps there are more strokesiders so perhaps Paul will be also competeing on bowside. I should be prety confident considering last year but I never want to discount Trig or Matt, and with no results in rowing then no one really knows. Video yesterday looked like I was rowing ok. But with the rubbish ergo and not so good trials results then one can't be sure.
But then as well as the fear that I might not get in then there i also the possiblity that it won't be evryr good. Or even both. This time of year really isn't much fun - it is enough to drive you to food. Must stop eating again!

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